The Return

So after so many years, Delviniyan returned to the mountainous forests where Murugan waited in the Yogic Ataantain (Timeless) position and spoke: "You have returned. Are you ready to to to become the instrument of Brahman? The pit awaits"

Delviniyan replied. "I am not ready yet, as there is still much to learn as a man. I lived in the royal court of the Aaiyyanist King Nekaankilaan but was teased... as my true purpose in life was hidden. It is masked... as is my destiny. I do not know what sort of tool or aid I can give to Brahman."

"Then I will teach you the petty ways of man", laughed Murugan. For the next 7 years Murugan-Aaiyyan taught Delviniyan the ways of statecraft, of lower meditation, of philosophy and of combat. He was taught how to lead a family, a state and a kingdom. He was taught mastery over the bow, of unarmed combat, of the sword, the Kattaariyaan (punch) dagger, the Vel (spear), the Gadallal (blunt weapon) and many other Dravidian weapons. Murugan's teaching went beyond that of Aaiyyani Asweenikaaya. He was also taught the art of Alavuyyan which grants the user unparalleled strength and the ability to heal quickly and resist death. There is one paralysing move: Alavuyyanian (which is part of the discipline of Alavuyyan) which cannot be defended against unless one wields the same power from the very source of Alavuyyan. You can also greatly amplify the effects of Alavuyyanian by resonantly linking with your inner Alavuyyan Loka. Murugan drilled into Delviniyan the importance of Alavuyyan and said: 'If you become One with the discipline of Alavuyyan you can gain the strength of 10,000. You will be more than yourself!'.

Murugan also taught Delviniyan how to master time and space. As all Aaiyyanists know, in order to train to gain mastery over all Dravidian arts, one must take a lifetime; in fact many many lifetimes before one has full comprehension on the Universal Law. Thus Murugan-Aaiyyan taught Delviniyan how to open the Ataantain-Aruguyaanal Tala-Loka that described a dimension of infinite time that has stopped. In order to open this combined Tala-Loka once must first inscribe the Ataantain Loka that Murugan first showed Delviniyan when he was locked in the inner Temple of the Kalaiyyans. One then inscribes the Aruguyaanal Tala interspersed within the Ataantain Loka symbols. Thus the combined scripture presents a joint key that can unlock both portals simultaneously. Once this Tala-Loka was opened, Murugan had an infinite amount of time to teach Delviniyan the petty ways of man as well as the higher purposes of the Gods. So, while time had stopped to the outside world, Murugan taught Delviniyan how to become One with all and understand the power of the Dravidian sciences.

When Prince Delviniyan was around 25 years old he was fully ready to rule the world, but there was one final lesson to be learnt. A lesson so profound as to confuse even the most learned of beings. The lesson was not how to stop time but how to go back through time, to become truly one with Brahman at the inception point of pre-creation and pre-destruction. Murugan tried to teach Delviniyan the concepts by speaking these timeless words: "Do not stop time, let it flow backwards and forwards. If you go far enough back or forward you will eventually reach the point where time ends and starts again and at that moment the flow will come to a rest". We as Aaiyyanists understand the meaning now with our modern judgement. But in the ancient times such things were difficult, if not impossible to comprehend. As such, no matter how many times Murugan showed Delviniyan the path, Delviniyan could not find it. Delviniyan did not understand the teachings... but he would.

All these teachings presented in this chapter are discussed fully as a small part of the 12 Rings of Aaiyyan, as many Aaiyyanists should know.